Military history of us tanks
Military history of us tanks

military history of us tanks

The British, American, German and Soviet armies all had different approaches to tanks and tank warfare, each with their fair share of successes and failures. While the First World War saw the first use of the tank as a weapon of war, it was during the Second World War that the tank soon became a dominant force on the battlefield. This early lead would be gradually lost during the course of the 1930s to the Soviet Union who with Germany began to design and build their own tanks. During and after the war, Britain and France were the intellectual leaders in tank design, with other countries generally following and adopting their designs. After the war, many nations needed to have tanks, but only a few had the industrial resources to design and build them. The First World War established the validity of the tank concept. To keep the enemy from finding out about this new solution, the public were informed that the vehicles were large water carriers, or tanks, and the name stuck. The British Army was the first to use them, who built them in secret to begin with. They were large, heavy, slow moving vehicles capable of driving right over the top of enemy trenches thereby eliminating the need to send soldiers "over the top" only to be blasted to pieces by enemies. Tanks first appeared on the battlefield as a solution to trench warfare. This article on military tanks deals with the history and development of tanks of the British Army from their first use in the First World War, the interwar period, during the Second World War, the Cold War and modern era.

Military history of us tanks